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These rules & regulations are made to make the parade enjoyable for everyone. Please read the following & pass along to the other members of your group. 



  • DO NOT DRESS LIKE SANTA OR MRS. CLAUS….this confuses the children! Anyone dressed as Santa will not be permitted to participate in the parade. 

  • CANDY – DO NOT THROW CANDY from floats or from your walking group into the crowds. Walkers may hand candy to children on the side of the road. Children darting in the road to retrieve the candy present a safety hazard. Also, please keep moving at a slow pace along the parade route. 


  • CONFETTI – No confetti is allowed.


  • PARTICIPANT PICK-UP – Please arrange for picking parade participants up in the library parking lot after the parade.


  • DECORATIONS – All vehicles are REQUIRED to be decorated. While decorating, please be aware that people do not come to the parade to watch a commercial. We love to support our local businesses and organizations, but please, keep your parade entry festive!


  • ALL CHILDREN UNDER SIX (6) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who should also be in appropriate holiday costume.


  • Holiday music is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED….Please play it LOUD!!!!

  • Parade participants must adhere to the directions of the parade organizers or they can and will be pulled from the event.


We appreciate your participation!

© 2024 March of the Toys Parade for Toys for Tots – Ball Ground, GA

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